Who is Deeze? Anonymous NFT influencer and prominent Twitter Spaces host

Who is Deeze? Anonymous NFT influencer and prominent Twitter Spaces host

There are few people in the NFT space who are able to change the established rules for the sake of a brighter future. Deeze is one of them. Having a reputation as the best expert in NFT economics and Web3 culture, he modestly says about himself on Twitter: “All I know is that I don’t know nothing at all.” Remaining faceless and anonymous, the 29-year-old collector has gained thousands of followers who hang on his every word on Twitter Spaces in order to create the same sensation in the NFT market.

Who is Deeze?

Deeze is a successful crypto trader and top NFT collector. Having succeeded in token trading, the influencer has become for many an ideological inspirer and expert consultant. He regularly hosts his Twitter Spaces, inviting well-known photographers and artists who are ready to share life hacks with a young audience.

Deeze fans see him as “a gentleman, a scholar, and a Degen” and sincerely rejoice in podcasts with his participation, confessing: “we like the deeze”. For many fans, Twitter Spaces has become a source of inspiration, an opportunity to gain useful knowledge and a platform for open communication with like-minded people.

Deeze Official Links

  • Twitter @deeze – over 251k followers,
  • Twitter @DeeZeFi – over 2k followers,
  • Instagram @deezefi – over 2.5k followers.

Deeze before the NFT world

Earlier in an interview, the collector said that he works A mid-level IT employee and that his position does not require much effort. During the pandemic, when many were toiling from idleness, he devoted all his free time to cryptocurrency farming and earned a lot of money. This success pushed him to the decision to immerse himself completely in NFT.

Deeze in the NFT world

Deeze entered the world of cryptocurrencies in 2017. He studied crypto exchanges, traded altcoins, made money on the Hot Potato gaming platform.

In 2020, he got a crypto wallet. The influencer purchased his first collection token for $1,000. It was an NFT from the CryptoPunk collection. With him, Deeze began his “dive into the NFT rabbit hole”. By the way, he still retained his commitment to the CryptoPunk collection, which brought him his first large fees. This can be judged at least by his today’s avatar on Twitter. The profile picture shows CryptoPunk #465 wearing a hoodie and 3D glasses, blowing puffs of smoke from his pipe. This is the aesthetic that the collector is looking for in the NFT world.

For a long time, the CryptoPunk project seemed like the height of perfection to a novice collector. However, his acquaintance with Bored Ape Yacht Club changed his approach to investing, showing the key role of the team and innovation in the development of the project:

For a long time, I thought CryptoPunks were just the most blue-chip liquid NFT to own. Apes came along and kind of shattered that thesis. I kind of look at the market now in terms of what teams have the boldest and biggest ideas and where is the biggest upside on betting on them to execute on those ideas. Shared by a trader

Joining the Fractional team opened up new collecting opportunities for Deeze. Fractionation is the transformation of non-fungible tokens ERC-721 and ERC-1155 into fungible ERC-20 tokens that can be traded and used. This technology has allowed access to many blue chips. Such a strategy is especially important in conditions when the market is difficult to access, some projects are expensive, and the fate of others is unpredictable.

Today Deeze is one of the most influential personalities in the NFT world. His popular Twitter Spaces help strengthen crypto communities, increase their financial literacy and engage in Web3. Each of his broadcasts is an inspiring mix of life hacks and humor.

NFT projects of Deeze

Deeze is widely known online as the director and community manager of Fractional Art (rebranded as Tessera), a platform founded by Andy Chorlian (Andy8052 @andy8052) on a decentralized protocol.

This innovative DeFi service was created to fractionate non-fungible assets in exchange for tokens. The concept of Fractional Art /Tessera was to provide each user with the opportunity to own a part of any, even the most expensive, NFTs.

The influencer gave practical advice to aspiring crypto enthusiasts about buying, selling or mining NFT fractions. Along with Chorlian, he hosted the We Do a Little podcast. Unfortunately, due to low liquidity, the Tessera project was closed in May 2023.

Collaborations of Deeze

In August 2015, Deeze, along with Farokh, an equally well-known influencer and one of the creators of the Rug Radio project, joined Ex Populus, a Web3 game developer. Ex Populus co-founder, Soban Saqib @Sobylife invited influencers to his project as key consultants. By the way, they have known each other for a long time and already had experience of cooperation at that time.

I’m excited to help Ex Populus become the best Web3 game developer possible. We’ve been talking closely throughout the last year of building and I’ve been impressed. Tobias, Soby, and the rest of the team have a grand vision for the space and the team to pull it off. I believe gaming + social applications are what will bring the next 10,000,000+ people to the web3 space and I’m stoked to help in this mission. Deeze said

Farokh and Deeze’s recommendations allow the Ex Populus team to increase the potential of game projects using NFT collections. Ex Populus is known for its giveaways of collectibles, including LAMO figurines, The Decentralized Autonomous GigaUnits game cards, and Mike Tyson’s Iron Pigeons game card set.

Tobias Button, co-founder and CEO of Ex Populus, expressed his hope that the company will continue to grow with the new members of the advisory board:

Thanks to my co-founder, Soby, we are privileged and delighted to have Deeze and Farokh join our counsel of key industry talent to provide their insights and influence the direction of the company and its games.

NFT Collection of Deeze

Earlier in an interview, Deeze admitted that he does not remember how many NFTs he owns. He is sure of one thing: the value of his collection is expressed in seven figures. However, not all collectible tokens are equally valuable to the collector. In some projects, he managed to be disappointed:

CryptoSergs, that didn’t do well. Avastars, those aren’t recent, but it’s a project I’ve grown more unfond of, but I still hold them.

At the same time, he would not sell three of his CryptoPunks for less than $5 million.

In addition to the CryptoPunks group, the oncyberBest of Deeze” 3D gallery contains many outstanding pieces of digital art, the high-tech functionality of which allows them to be used in the metaverse.

Here are:

  • Works by alexpardee, XCOPY, Killer Acid, OSF,
  • CryptoPunks,
  • Bored Ape Yacht Club,
  • Pop Wonder,
  • And many other crypto masterpieces.

The most valuable of them radiate a psychedelic positive vibe.

Opinion of Deeze about the NFT market

Deeze is convinced that NFT collecting is “a bet on less volatility” compared to crypto trading. In most of his trades, he seeks to get more ETH, not dollars, in order to purchase NFTs.

By investing earned ETH in collection tokens, the investor expects profit in the short and medium term. Notably, NFTs make up half of his investment portfolio.

Opinion of NFTmetria

Deeze is one of those Web3 leaders who sees NFT not only as an investment vehicle, but above all as a means of bringing creative people together around the Web3 ideals. He uses his investments to nurture and support young talent and to develop the democratic crypto art of the future.

The influencer is trying hard to bridge the gap between rookie artists and digital art leaders. The collector himself never aspired to become a public figure, much less a community leader. His authority as the unofficial host of Twitter Spaces grew out of a natural interest in the creativity of NFT enthusiasts.:

I hosted a bunch of spaces for photographers who were new to the space or you know, dropping a collection or whatnot. I burnt myself out on like spaces between that July and August [2020]. It just came from me being bored and wanting to know more about all of their stories. And it just blossomed into this really big community which I never saw coming.

Therefore, Deeze is “a gentleman, a scholar, and a Degen” for thousands of fans, who always remains “his own” in the NFT community.

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