Facebook is a great way to NFT promotion, get followers, fame and profit from the most popular social network in the world. It has 2.5 billion monthly active users! Why not confirm that among such an audience there are many who want to buy NFT?
But no one will come to you at the call of the heart. First you need to create and promote a Facebook group or business page. This will be your platform where users can come, get to know you as an NFT artist and fulfill the goal set before promotion. Separately, you can read our article on how to become a successful NFT artist.
Let’s dive deeper and learn a lot about what Facebook has to offer for you as an NFT artist.
Why promote NFT on Facebook?
This question can be formulated differently: what goals does promotion on Facebook help to achieve? Lots of options:
- increase awareness of your personal brand;
- form a loyal attitude of the audience towards you as an NFT artist;
- organize an event and gather like-minded people;
- increase NFT sales;
- attract new customers, etc.
Profit is almost always at the forefront. That is, due to a competent strategy for NFT promotion on Facebook, you simultaneously increase income and indirectly achieve other goals.
Public business page as a way to promote NFT on Facebook
Each user of the social network can create an unlimited number of such pages. The author becomes an administrator with full authority by default.
Now let’s move on to the recommendations:
- Put an interesting cover and avatar. Remember that the potential audience evaluates first of all the name and avatar. Therefore, your main task is to hook your future subscriber.
- Fill in the information on the public. A common mistake is to leave out important information. List the most important things about yourself as an NFT artist. Facebook has a general rule: the user must understand from the first seconds where he is.
- Tie down mine account Telegram, Twitter, Discord. This action is then needed to direct users from other social networks to the Facebook public. There is never too much traffic!
- Indicate all links with selling text to your own website and to NFT marketplaces where you place your collection
- Post content. All content for publication on Facebook can be divided into three groups: informational, entertaining and selling. The 70/30 rule has been in place in SMM for many years. You place 70% of information posts and 30% of selling ones. If entertainment is added, then the ratio will be approximately 60/20/20.
- Use hashtags. Select key hashtags related to NFT. They help emphasize the thematic focus of the page. But remember that a popular tag is not a guarantee of attracting traffic, because there is a lot of competition for it. Alternate in the publication of several high-frequency and low-frequency «keys». Mandatory in accordance with the content of the post. Examples hashtags: #nft #nfts #nftcollector #nftcollectors #digitalart #nftart #nftdrop #nftartist #nftcommunity #nftartwork #digitalartist
How to distribute publications?
- Add posts in other publics. Make acquaintances with public administrators who also work in the NFT theme. You can exchange materials, engage in mutual PR. Everyone needs good content. Develop it and share it with other publics, thus attracting people to your page.
- Work with experts. If you need an expert opinion under the post, mention such a specialist in the comments. Make useful contacts!
- Distribute publications in personal pages. Tag a user with the @ symbol and the post will appear on their profile and in their friends feed. It turns out additional advertising, and it looks organic and unobtrusive. But keep in mind: you will be able to mark a user if there are no restrictions in the privacy settings. Any owner of a personal page can: enable a complete ban on marks, restrict partially (that is, he will need to accept the post) and allow automatically.
How to interact with subscribers?
On public, you need to constantly work with the audience so that it is interesting for them to remain subscribers. Especially when it comes to promoting NFTs on Facebook, where competition is high.
Let’s make some recommendations in this regard:
- Try to respond promptly to questions and respond to comments. Deal with negativity the right way. Do not delete such comments. Try to bring the user to a constructive dialogue and understand why he left a negative review;
- regularly check the «PM» of the public and respond to subscribers. If you try hard, you will get this useful label
- answer questions from commentators of other publics on similar topics. If a person likes the answer, he will most likely go to your page and subscribe.
Helpful Tips for NFT promotion on Facebook
When the public is created, framed, you can proceed to the main stage – its promotion. Use useful «tricks» that will make NFT promotion on Facebook even more effective.
- Leave a link to the page in different sources. Just don’t take this advice as a call to rampant spam. Leave links metered and preferably on your own pages: on Facebook, Instagram, etc. You can also publish a post as a PR news and post it on other social networks. If you’re doing a mailing list, submit a business public there as well.
- Invite users to subscribe. This is a basic and free stage of NFT promotion public on Facebook. Invite other users to join the number of subscribers. To report a new public, use the «Invite friends» option.
- Set up a chatbot. This is a program that communicates with visitors according to an automated script. You can set settings for various actions: a story about a product or service, booking a visit, selecting goods, and so on.
- Spend a giveaway
- To do this, it is enough to expose your NFT,
- Write that you are holding a giveaway, specify the conditions for the distribution.
- Typically, users need to follow your account, like, retweet your post, and tag a couple of their friends.
- Agree on mutual PR. Partnerships also work on Facebook. Look for publics and groups similar in NFT topics, contact administrators with a proposal for mutual PR. But be objective. If you barely got a thousand subscribers, it doesn’t even make sense to try to negotiate mutual PR with a page of 100,000. Unless for a fee, but this will already be the usual paid PR. Focus on publics that roughly match yours in terms of the number of subscribers. It will be easier to involve them in your Facebook promotion strategy.
- Develop a content plan and design guide. Statistically, page owners who post 1-2 times a day have 40% more engaged users than their lazier competitors. Make a smart content plan. Post regularly and start interesting discussions. If there are no ideas, you can always «google» and use the best practices of experts.
- Raise publications. This is a highly effective example of NFT promotion on Facebook. Click on the «Boost Post» section, select the users to target, and get started.
- Comment on other users’ posts. This method is time consuming, but the most natural and unobtrusive. Select a list of groups and publics whose subscribers include your target audience. Leave interesting comments under the posts of other users, try to attract people to your business page.
- Advertise on Facebook. The social network provides great opportunities for setting up and running advertising campaigns. Attract followers to your public with ads.
Facebook NFT promotion analytics
NFT promotion on Facebook without analyzing statistics is a waste of time and money. The site has a built-in analytics system that will help you manage your public even more efficiently.

- Review the summary regularly;
- Analyze target audience;
- Follow the dynamics of the growth of the public;
- Identify the most interesting types of content and the time of the greatest coverage;
- Explore each statistics tab in more detail. The data obtained will allow you to write high-quality content that will be in demand among subscribers.
Benefits of promoting NFTs Facebook public
It is known that there are 3 options for the development of the company in the social network. These are a personal page, a group, and a public business page.
In this article, we focused on business public pages. It is also possible to promote the group on Facebook. Nevertheless, we will try to explain why we chose to talk about public promotion:
- publics have a cover, an avatar. Him is easy to brand, which is important for you as an NFT artist;
- the site is suitable for sole broadcasting under any pseudonym;
- the public is indexed by search engines;
- it is possible to set up a geotag so that users are marked with you (plus promotion);
- there is a setting of blocks with contacts and reviews;
- the page has statistics that can be tracked and optimized based on the data;
- setting up targeted advertising is available and thus attracting subscribers;
- this is a public space, and subscribers can come, subscribe themselves at their own request.
Groups are not aimed at branding, posts almost never get into the news feed of subscribers, there are no statistics and analytics. In addition, you will not be able to set up targeted advertising.
A huge plus of promoting publics and groups on Facebook is the ability to do this with a minimal budget and without programs with paid services. Of course, you will have to work. First create and design, and then maintain a page on Facebook. At first glance, the task will seem difficult, but with a detailed guide it will be much easier. But we will repeat the most important recommendation: promotion is possible only in a comprehensive manner. Read our articles on NFT promotion techniques and the best ways to promote NFTs.
We hope that our guide to NFT promotion on Facebook will provide a quick start to promoting your page!