Magic Eden launches Polygon NFT Creator Fund with $1M Grant

Magic Eden launches Polygon NFT Creator Fund with $1M Grant

Magic Eden, one of the leading NFT marketplaces, recently launched the NFT Creator fund with a $1 million grant together with Polygon. As part of it, the company invites authors, developers and artists to participate. Through this initiative, the marketplace aims to find, develop and launch the next generation of Blue-chip NFT projects on Polygon.

The elected founders who qualify have the most realistic chances of:

  • Access Launchpad Magic Eden resources, the Polygon developer and ecosystem support community, and the extensive Web3 network collaboration capabilities,
  • Receive comprehensive support, including unlocking the potential of the project, development of a roadmap, a complete marketing plan, mentoring, technical support, communication with ecosystems,
  • Develop your project to the state of blue chips,
  • Collaborate with industry leaders and experts in the Polygon ecosystem.
  • Get investments for the development of your own project,
  • Bright and effective collaborations.

What criteria will be used to select candidates for the Polygon NFT Creator Fund?

Magic Eden emphasizes creativity, vision and drive in the selection. That is, the team will pay attention to:

  • Originality of the idea,
  • Feasibility of the project,
  • The strength and diversity of the team,
  • A plan to create and maintain a dynamic community.

At the same time, the release clarifies that this project is more aimed at finding new, young talents, and candidates do not have to have a huge number of fans.

If you have a desire to participate in the competition, you can apply at the link.

Through such ambitious and bold initiatives, Magic Eden strengthens its position in the market as an incubator, investor and curator, providing an opportunity for little-known brands and creators to reach a new level using the Polygon ecosystem.

Despite the fact that the marketplace initially positioned itself as a trading platform on Solana, now the company is gradually strengthening its position as a multi-chain market. And given the fact that quite recently OpenSea began to lose unconditional authority and leadership due to the abolition of royalties for authors, Magic Eden has every chance to enter the podium of industry leaders.

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